Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bang Krachou (and Conizza)

On Sunday, we embarked on a trip to Bang Krachou, a section of the metropolis across the Chao Praya river that has remained largely green and undeveloped. After a short longtail boat journey, we rented bikes and biked around for a few hours. It was amazing to be in a quiet and green area. Highlights of the trip included:
-Happening upon a bike festival and being strongly encouraged to eat as much free pad thai as we could
-Visiting a endless market that ran on a concrete walkway above a swamp
-Biking on a similar narrow concrete walkway over a different swamp
Forgot to take pictures on the bike ride, but here is Bang Krachou from the river:

And of course it was topped off with a Conizza at the mall. So much analysis, but I will let it speak for itself.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here is the view from our sweet apartment.
You can see the BTS (SkyTrain) station that we use. The BTS is extremely convenient and close to our place, facilitating many trips to important places such as the mall. Malls. The major intersection of the two BTS lines is surrounded by what I estimate to be 10-15 malls (I am always hearing of new ones) and I can fight it all I want, but I will inevitably end up in one or more of them every day. In my defense, there are awesome food courts with cuisine beyond your wild imagination. And air-conditioning, very important in this climate. I will no doubt go into thorough detail on the malls later, so stay posted.
But just to reiterate, the BTS is a great transportation system. Very clean, especially on the heels of too many trips on the A/C line in NYC. Reliable and safe; in fact guards are stationed in each station to blow a whistle if you step in front of the yellow safety line. Additionally, instead of going through the pains of removing a card from your wallet and swiping it, the machine can read your card through your wallet. Simply wave your wallet in front of the magic circle, and in you go.
Now here is the view in the other direction. It has stormed with lightning and thunder the last three nights. The weather changes pretty frequently, but it is a safe bet to guess it will rain at some point over the course of the day.

Welcome to BKK

Saswadee Kop!