Monday, November 15, 2010

our Soi, pt. 2

Bangkok is a coffee city. Whether Thai style, with an intense amount of condensed milk, cream and sugar
or modern.
This is Wawee Coffee, one of the first places I frequented on our Soi. Since seventh grade I have yearned for a Central Perk of my own, and my ship has finally come in. How cool is it? Lets just note that your coffeeshop probably doesn't have a koi pond, and move on.
Bangkok is actually so coffee-fueled that many businesses are hybrid coffee shops. Credit card signup location / coffee shop. Language school / coffeeshop. And so on.
Another integral part of the Soi is the fruit vendor cart. Typical carts have four fruits: pineapple, watermelon, papaya and guava.
All are highly delicious.

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