Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tanzania: Endallah

After our initiation in Tarangire, we did a two day visit to a local village in Tanzania called Endallah. The town, in partnership with some Belgian entrepreneurs, offers village activities and safaris. The scenery was stunning here, and we got a small taste of village life in Tanzania.
First, look how blue the sky is! Coming from New Delhi, I couldn't get over this. I think Maki probably tired of hearing "its soooooo bluuuue." But it was.
We did three hikes throughout our time there. This was was up a valley to Lambo Hill.
We stayed in a local house in the village. People in Endallah were super friendly.
The river that runs through town. We visited soon after the short rains, but you could tell that this stream becomes a torrent during the long rains in the spring.
A local school.

and the local library.
The shop, where we enjoyed a room temperature beer.
And a hilltop view of Lake Manyara, where we had a "bush dinner" - see below.
Forested valley with banana plantation.
Guard of the banana plantation who keeps the elephants (nighttime) and baboons (daytime) at bay.
and another river.

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