And then the singing began. We wanted a small room, but could only find a full bar setting. So in between our Backstreet Boys and Lisa Loeb, really good Thai patrons sang ballads and uptempo pop songs.
Most of the kareoke was accompanied by random unofficial music videos. By far the best was this one accompanying "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic. Instead of majestic shots of the Titanic, the whole video was random b-roll footage from the back of some guy's speedboat! I could not contain my laughter as the wake trailed on.
And almost topping that was another song (not sure which one) in which the video followed a wistful women in a crazy eighties jacket. Even better, the segments of her wandering with alternated with shots of...pelicans on the beach! What?? Was she sadly remembering her brood of pelicans?
Anyway, the celebration continued long into the night, and it was a great birthday.
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